
Analog & digital synthesizers are both electronic instruments that create sound, but they differ in how they generate and manipulate that sound. Here’s a list of the key differences.

Analog Synths

  • Use electrical circuits to produce sound waves
  • These circuits can be influenced by various knobs and sliders, creating a warm, rich sound with subtle imperfections
  • Pros
    • Warm, organic sound, sought-after for genres like classic electronic music, “hands-on” approach to sound design
  • Cons
    • Can be expensive, limited in features compared to digital synths, less polyphony

Digital Synths

  • Generate sound using digital representations of waveforms.
  • They’re essentially tiny computers with software that can create a wider variety of sounds, often including emulations of analog sounds
  • Pros
    • More affordable, wider variety of sounds and effects, more features like sequencers and on-board arpeggiators, greater polyphony
  • Cons

Additional Considerations

  • Playing Style
    • If you prefer a more hands-on, immediate sound creation process, analog might be a good fit. For those who like flexibility and experimentation, digital could be better.
  • Genre
    • Certain genres are typically associated with analog sounds
      • classic subtractive synthesis sounds in electronic music
      • digital synths can cover a wider range of genres


  • There’s no single “better” choice. It depends on your needs and preferences;
    • Choose Analog
      • If you prioritize a warm, classic sound, appreciate a more hands-on approach, and are playing genres that favor analog textures
    • Choose Digital
      • If you want affordability, a broader sonic palette, features like sequencing and effects, or need high polyphony
    • Hybrid Option
      • Many modern synths are digital but emulate analog circuitry to capture the classic sound. These “virtual analog” synths can be a good compromise

YouTube Videos

Why Modern Digital Synthesis Is More Analog Than Analog

Is Analog Gear REALLY worth it?

Analog vs Digital Polysynth - is there really a difference?

Analog vs. Digital Synths — Which is Right for You?

Analog Synths vs Digital Synths Quiz

Comparing Analogue Vs Digital Synthesis