- bat - Linux “cat” command alternative with syntax highlighting
- glow - Markdown reader
- htop - Top clone with syntax highlighting and mouse support
- jq - sed for JSON data
- jupyter - JupyterHub notebooks
- k9s - Monitor Kubernetes resources
- pyenv - Python version management
- python - Python (3.11)
- terraform - Terraform
- tfswitch - Switch Terraform versions (warrensbox/tap/tfswitch)
- tree - View folders and files in a visual tree (tree -L )
- wget - Download files
- yq - Lightweight and portable command-line YAML, JSON and XML processor
- django - Python Web framework
- glances - Console (and web) based server monitoring tool
- httpie - A curl-like tool to interact with HTTP servers
- lnav - Explore and troubleshoot cryptic log files
- midnight-commander - File explorer
- mtr - A package that combines ping and traceroute into a single tool with superpowers to isolate networking issues
- navi - Interactive cheatsheet tool
- ncdu - Disk space analyzer, find big files & directories
- npm - Node Package Manager
- pytorch - machine learning framework based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing
- ranger - Directory / file explorer providing an easier way to find files via the terminal
- snappy - compression/decompression library aiming for high speed
- speedtest-cli - Test upload/download speed
- task - A todo app
- tensorflow - free and open-source software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence
- tmux - Run multiple terminal sessions within the same window
- youtube-dl - YouTube downloader
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